
Toiletries 4 Patients Appeal

Toiletries 4 Patients Appeal

There can be many reasons why someone may be short on basic toiletries whilst in hospital, especially given the current restrictions on social visits & travel.

Frome Lions Club have launched an appeal to support patients at Frome Community Hospital, with initial support from our funds and donations from local businesses.

What are we looking for now from you?

Donations of small size toiletries – such as toothpaste, hand gel, soap, shaving foam, Fixadent…and toothbrushes and razors.
Where to donate – there are now ‘Toiletries 4 Patients’ drop-bins at Frome Hospital and at Lloyds Pharmacy @ Sainsbury’s.
So, when you shop please buy a little extra – or raid your cupboards – and ‘drop it in the bin’!
Frome Lions will then work with the hospital to ensure your donations go to patients in need and potentially to other local groups & individuals too


Pictured Below, Lions Bev Windley & Allison Rumming presenting Frome Hospital with an initial supply of Toiletries:

For more information or to offer more help, please contact [email protected]