New President for the Lions Club
New President for the Lions Club
As some of you know, each year local Lions Clubs elect a new President and other elected officers, and it is my privilege to have been chosen as President of Frome Lions for 2020/21. My thanks to Lion Tony Buchan for doing a great job during 2019/20 as my predecessor.
The Coronavirus pandemic continues to be challenging for everyone in terms of what we are able to do as individuals and organisations, and we have had to cancel several events during 2020 as a result. What has not stopped, and will not, is our commitment to support the local community – so if you need the help of Frome Lions, or know someone or some other group that does, please get in touch.
Also, if you are interested in what Frome Lions do and/or want to join us, then please let us know. Everyone of any age is most welcome.
Regrettably we are continuing to have to cancel some of our regular events due to Covid-19 restrictions including the Park Ride event on Sept 20th, but we remain active in supporting the community none the less. Hopefully we will still be able to help operate the Santa float around the town into December.
In the meantime, please stay safe and well.
Best wishes.
Lion Greg Wood
President – The Lions Club of Frome
Pictured Below:
Incoming Lion President (Greg Wood on the left) takes the chain of office from outgoing President Lion Tony Buchan